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April 14, 2005
Construct a trellis out of bamboo and move the rest of the roses over on the south side of the house to climb on it. Plant the gladioli. Plant the tulips and see what happens. Build a stone wall. Move more daylilies. Resume the Ivy Wars -- I want the whole front clear of ivy by the end of summer, no mean feat.

My hope is that I can do the trellis, the tulips and the roses this Saturday. I can, too, if people will leave me alone. But you can never count on that.

Build in the uncertainty principle. In quantum physics, the uncertainty principle is the premise that the more you know about where something is, the less you know about where it is likely to be next, and when. In the rest of the world, it means that your planning brings you closer to having things not work out precisely as you plan. The more your control, the more visible the things you cannot control become.

The uncertainty principle cannot be engineered out of life. All we can do is relax and enjoy its unexpected fruit. Something will come and disturb my plan for Saturday. Who or what will it be? Into what adventure will I be drawn? No point whining about it; just keep your eyes open and wear comfortable shoes.
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